Ground Preparation Days!
(March 28, 2012)
With the new cricket season starting in less than a months time, efforts must be turned to ensuring the 2 cricket pitches are in a good state for the 2012 season. As such, the 3 member clubs (Cody CC, Cove CC and ourselves) have arranged 3 ground preparation days to allow enough time for the work to be conducted to a good standard.
The days where assistance is required are:
Wednesday 25th April
Thursday 26th April
Friday 27th April
Obviously the more people that show up, the less work there will be for each member to contribute, and hopefully the work can be achieved more effectively and efficiently, resulting in better facilities and a more enjoyable season.
Pyestock CC would like volunteers on the above dates to complete the following tasks that are not exhaustive, but are believed to be amongst the most important for bringing the pitches to the highest possible standard.
- Rolling of the square (ideally in stages – light roller, then heavy)
- Verti-draining outfield
- Harrow outfield
- Seed outfield
- Fixing site-screens
- Moving site-screens into position
- General ground tidy-up
If you are able to spare a day or even just a few hours, please e-mail [email protected] with your availability. This will allow the club a chance to build a rota of the tasks that require attention.
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